Swecare skapar mötesplatser där den svenska life science-sektorn kan stärka sina internationella relationer

Kommande event


Hälsoexportbarometer 2022

Hälsoexportbarometern är Swecares årliga kartläggning av svensk hälsoexport. Den baseras på en enkät till Swecares medlemsföretag. Årets enkät genomfördes i april och besvarades av 66 av Swecares 114 medlemsföretag.

Vården och omsorgen ska funka, oavsett vem du är eller var i landet du bor. Det ser jag som min viktigaste uppgift de kommande åren. Det är en fråga om trygghet, svenska folket förväntar sig vård och omsorg av den allra högsta kvaliteten. Och det ska vi leverera.

Foto: Kristian Pohl/Regeringskansliet

Ny cancerbroschyr

Swecare har tagit fram en ny informativ broschyr för att lyfta fram det bästa som Sverige har att erbjuda inom cancerbehandling. Läs den här!

Infection Prevention & Control

Sweden is a pioneer in infection prevention and control, offering solutions that prevent and reduce infections and improve patient safety in healthcare settings. Swedish companies provide innovative consumables, devices for sterilization, optimization of workflows, infection diagnostics, infrastructure solutions and treatments.


Cancer Control

Sweden is a pioneer in cancer control and has excellent prerequisites for implementing precision health and medicine. Our tradition of close collaboration between universities, healthcare providers and the life science industry has been a path to success for new advances in cancer care and treatment.


Healthy Ageing & Chronic Disease Management

Sweden has a well-developed, and cost-efficient system for elderly care and among the highest life expectancy in the world. Emphasis is put on prevention, active ageing and ageing in place, so as to help people live longer, healthier and dignified lives. Swedish companies are an important source of innovative solutions to support people of age, their families and staff in everyday life.


The Digital Transformation of Healthcare

Sweden is a country of early adopters and a pioneer in the digital transformation of healthcare. Digital solutions present new opportunities for a more effective, patient centered and high- qualitative healthcare. These include among others AI supported electronic medical records, patient centered devices for monitoring and treatment and platforms for digital consultations.


Smart Safe & Sustainable Hospital

The Swedish life science sector helps hospitals to be more resilient and sustainable. World-class healthcare architects and planners and companies offering green infrastructure solutions and innovative digital technologies lay the foundation for sustainable, smart and safe care. Innovative medical technology solutions also contribute to efficient and patient-safe advanced healthcare.

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Våra senaste nyheter


"Swecare´s way of working with their promoting methods and creating relationships appealed to me and caught my interest".

Swecare is an exciting workplace where new things happen every day. We believe in bringing in new mindsets and young talent. Therefore, we are delighted to have welcomed our fifth intern! Meet our intern Valter Lundqvist, student from Mälardalens University in Västerås.


Building Global Networks for Innovation: Insights from Ulf Borbos on Healthcare, Medtech, and International Collaboration.

Ulf Borbos, 63, has been an entrepreneur since age 17. As an international project manager since 2017, he helps companies enter new markets. He’s involved in the Health3-2-1 project, focusing on Medtech and health in the U.S. and U.K. His strengths include building trust and long-term relationships.


Swecare kraftsamlar för återuppbyggnad av Ukrainas sjukvård

Sjukvårdsminister Acko Ankarberg Johansson och statssekreterare Miriam Söderström deltar i mässan Rebuild Ukraine: Health & Rehabilitation för återuppbyggnad av Ukrainas sjukvård. Deltar gör också tunga aktörer inom svensk hälsosektor, bland andra: Medicover, Elekta, Essity och Arjo samt Socialstyrelsen.
